Delta Med Group and DBM announce a strategic partnership to strengthen their positioning in the pre-filled syringes market

Milan, April 13, 2023 – Delta Med Group announces a partnership with DBM, a leading manufacturer of pre-filled syringes. The Cadringher family will reinvest in the Group and Roberto Cadringher – current majority shareholder of DBM – will play a central role in the Group, continuing to lead DBM and joining Delta Med’s Board of Directors.

Delta Med Group and DBM will expand their portfolio profiting from highly complementary products and R&D capabilities, improving their ability to serve customers. The partnership will generate significant synergies and boost the growth trajectory of the combined entity.

The combination of the two companies with c.€100 million of revenue, more than 300 employees and a direct presence in Italy and France will be better equipped to compete at the international level, leveraging a fully-fledged product portfolio and a state-of-the-art R&D department.

Delta Med Group will continue to invest in family-owned companies with proprietary products that have proven to be leaders in their specific segments, supported by entrepreneurs with proven experience and capabilities.

White Bridge Investments, main shareholder of Delta Med, will retain the majority of the Group.

Roberto Cadringher, CEO of DBM stated: „We are excited to join forces with the other companies of the Group. This partnership will enable all Group entities to leverage the complementarity of their products and to provide an even more comprehensive service. The synergies that can be realized will further accelerate the growth and development trajectory. I will continue to lead DBM and provide support to the Group.“

Gabriele Giovanelli, CEO of the Delta Med Group, added: „DBM is a well-recognized player in the space for the production of pre-filled syringes and represents a key building block for our project. The addition of DBM into the Group will allow us to better serve a continuously rising demand.“

Delta Med was assisted by White&Case as legal advisor, with the partners Leonardo Graffi and Alessandro Seganfreddo and the associate Stefania Maracich. Athena was responsible for the financial due diligence with a team led by Luisa Spadari. Deloitte assisted Delta Med in the tax and fiscal aspects of the transaction, with a team led by Mario De Blasi.

DBM and its partners were assisted by Nicolò Del Guerra and Domenico Zalum as legal advisors and by Carlotta Gagliano for specific tax aspects. Nicola Boni from Vitale-Zane & Co. acted as financial advisor. Corrado Pozzi from Studio Pozzi – Dottori Commercialisti Associati – assisted DBM in the fiscal aspects of the transaction.


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